Freitag, 25. November 2011

too serious for me

I went to this one campus party last night. ( lol, i havent even mentioned that i'm in university now)
Ah well,This is how i looked like. I only noticed afterwards that i looked kinda mode.
I think my style is too playful for mode, but i am really starting to warm up to it, especially since i always liked brands like Murua and Emoda. And Blacks and Golds.
But still, looking so serious is so unusual to me,

Yeah hit me, the whole purpose of this post is pure picturewhorage. blah.
Still, i feel weird with posh poses, i rather enjoy making faces


7 Kommentare:

  1. lol...iwi ist das geschriebene etwas abgehackt X"D

  2. Oh my gosh-- I think mode would TOTALLY fit you. :]]

    You remind me of Audrey Hepburn, too, in these pics....

  3. o.o öhm... so die ersten buchsteben bzw wörter anfang des satzes kann man nicht lesen.>.<

  4. Was studierst du denn jetzt? :)
    Und making faces ist definitiv lustiger. ;D Alles andere sieht aber auch hübsch aus! ^^

  5. Medienkulturwissenschaften und English Studies in Köln :)
    Jaa das stimmt, besonderes wenn richtige fratzen gezogen werden xD
