Montag, 15. August 2011

Manila Gyaru Mini Meet

late post is late, but lots of things have been going on lately and organizing all the pics in my cam is harrd harrrd woork!!!

...ok, actually its not, im just very much lazy.

Annyyywayss, as announced in the last post i had a meetup with dearest Yapo, Meoki, Tatat and Akane at SM Megamall!

First of all because i know how controversial the term gyaru is sometimes looked at, i just wanted to say that as of right now i do not consider myself gyaru okay? Its just that i'm in Manila, and they are Gyarus, and we had a meet up, okay? fine.

Sooo, Because i had to be accompanied by my cousin on the way to the mall, and because she still had classes, I was there quite early and therefore the first to arrive. (because really, thats usually veeery rare of me xD) We all wanted to meet up at the food court but i was there a tad bit too early so i strolled around the groundfloor for a while. Waiting at the Mall isn't really a big deal because afterall, its a Mall.
Anyways when Meoki was there she called me up, it then turned out that we weren't so far apart then xD She looked soo pretty in her pretty floral dress and even with her scraped knees, she looked like such a doll <3 We always had to think of her as a sweet and tough gurololi or himeguro something haha xD

me and meoki, i somehow really love this pic!

Because the others took some time to arrive me and meoki strolled abit around the mall and later just sat at the food court and talked. Shes soo nice, i really enjoyed talking to her!! :D She also wore a georgeous pair of heels, so i didn't feel like a giant standing beside her. (because well, i always do when im with people here .__.)

meo, me and tatat

Later on, Yapo and Tatat arrived. It was so cute how Yapo walked through the food court looking for us! She really stood out with her caramel colored bob, among the masses of black haired people! I was really impressed in total because although i already know how she looks like, it was still different than seeing her in person. Anyways she was really funny and had such a bubbly personality, it really suited her look!
When Tata arrived, i was also really impressed too! I didn't really know her that well before, but she was also very funny and quirky! And her eyes are so georgeous, she did such a good job on her make!!

The last one to arrive was Akane, and she was so feminime and elegant! Look at her, such a Barbie Doll!

Later on we sat by the Atrium and just talked and hung out! Yapo had so much fun taking pictures of our legs haha xD

By the way, i just noticed how i claimed organizing pics is so tired, while all the pics i posted up until now aren't even taken by me. Yeayea i suck, but Yapos Pics just look sooo much nicer!!

okay okay see for yourself

stolen picture i took

and well, now actual "stolen" pictures (..ogawd i kno im so corny right?!sryy)

see more at Yapos Blog!
( I hope you forgive me for taking theese...)

All in all the day was very fun! Although i really have gotten abit shy after having seen all these gerogeous ladies, seriously i look like such a plain jane compared to them xD
My Cousin was also very impressed when she saw them and said the same thing to me haha.

I'm soo looking forward to see them again next week!!! (... and by then i'd have practiced my hair and make skills!!)

8 Kommentare:

  1. you all look so cute and I know the thing of not making many pictures but I changed and now I took too much..? XD

  2. Oh das wird wohl etwas zu knapp :/ weil so richtig da bin ich wohl erst ab 7. Muss sich ja auch erst wieder einrichten usw.
    Also die beste Purikura Maschine ist die im OCS Düsseldorf soweit ich weiß. Da wollte ich auch schon immer mal hin -.-, mal sehn wann mal endlich was draus wird. Aber wenn du sagst dass die Puris in Manila nicht sooo dolle sind, werd ich das mal beherzigen.
    Ich benutze FB nicht wirklich,wollte mir letztens noch eine Seite zulegen,doch dafür fehlt mir einfach die Zeit die zu pflegen. Aber wenn du magst kannst du mir deinen FB Link mailen :)

    ♪ Vernissage and Cream

  3. hey babe!!!

    seems like you had a great time:)

    you look so cute by the way...

  4. its funny listening to different sides of the story from this gyaru meet! xD
    any everyone uses yapo's pics~ hahaha~ yet its still interesting to hear! :D

    all you guys look so cute and pretty!!!

  5. さくらガール - ohh haha, well its just that i sometimes forget to take out the camera or something haha xD and thankss :)

    tatat-tataaaat :D <3

    label me addict- yes i did, and thanksss! :)

    fern- haha i know right, we so depend on her pics xDD and thankyouu ^^

  6. You all look awesome! <3

    I think it's awesome to see so many goodloking gals in the philippines! :D

  7. your like living dolls!! so pretty!!

    new follower here! please follow my blog too :)
