Freitag, 10. Februar 2012


I'm sorry everybody for following with a more personal post. I'm glad for my blog to hit the 100 readers mark but not a post followed since then. Thats because thing is, Life is hard at the moment.

It started with a depressing phase concerning uni, and whether i really want to continue studying what i started to study. I was torn apart between studying humanities and studying design. I calmed down my panic by telling myself that i must not give up when things start to get hard, just like the saying goes "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger"
And well yeah, i need to get stronger.
I lack Discipline, Orderliness, and need to be way more confident in certain situations. I'm still so dependent on everything and everybody, i have to grow up and learn how to be independent.
Things are getting hard, i know i need to change and therefore today, tried to clear out my room of useless ballast. And oh how my room monitors the way i am. One big mess.

Well, i'm sure things are getting better someday, i just felt like blogging again, even though this may not be a very entertaining post.

Thanks for reading though.


5 Kommentare:

  1. geiler Header !

  2. Hey there :)
    First of all; I like your Blog, its supercute!

    About your concern, I'm actually thinking the same. I was super unhappy at Uni, cause I started for the wrong subject, for the wrong reasons, couldnt follow, did'nt study.. I quit, but Ill start an apprenticeship at the end of the year.
    I feel that.. you should just do what best for you & whats going to make you happy.

    With a biiiiiiig hug <3

  3. Deutsch, Englisch? :D

    Pharmazeutische Chemie, insgesamt- ein tolles Thema & auch sehr interessant.. aber ich bin nicht hinterhergekommen, auch, weil die Uni an sich einfach ncihts für mich ist. Zuviele Freiheiten :D & dann mach ich nichts. Ich rbauc Struktur & feste Zeiten. So ist schon besser. :)

    & ich mag zB Catrice Lacke auch sehr gern.. aber Essi sind einfach meine Favouriten. :D
    Aber da gehts eh jedem anders! Aktuell gibts bei Douglas aber wieder so ein Essi- Set- eine Farbe & ein Topcoast fuer 16 Euro- das lohnt sich dann immer.


  4. Ja :D WIeso?

    Mach das! Lohnt sich!

  5. Was wird ausgemistet? :D

    ACHSO! :D
    Na, dann weisst du ja von uns, wo wir auf alle Busse gedruckt wurden.. :D

