But im talking about how i planned out a system kind of like weight watchers, but quite literally, for life.
It alll started with the last post about rewarding myself and tasks to be done.
And then, yesterday during Math lesson, i kind of invented alittle system kind of like weightwatchers xD
I gave tasks i have to do points, and then i wrote down the rewards i'll get myself once i achieve a certain number of points.
So this is the written "plan" i did during math lesson. (because im over with math now, just sitting there to not be absent)

Btw., don't ask me why i mixed up english and german in it xD
And i know that my Handwriting sucks.
The Tasks and the points i gain from them are on the left side, for example: small homework: 1p, 1 hour of studying: 2p, loosing 1 kg: 3p and the Rewards i get from the points i collected are on the right side, like: MAC Lashes: 1op, circle Lenses: 20p, Pokemon black : 30p (i reallly want to play it ;_; )
So yea yesterday i started collecting points for studying for two hours and today i studied for one hour, meaning i have 6 points now! And because i am saving up to go shopping in the next days( 15p! ) i have to be especially productive tommorow! (and i also have no school tommorow, yay! :D)
And because i knooow that you all like kawaii stuff (obviously EVERYBODY does! [...or should]) i just HAD to show you the cover of the Notebook i wrote that in
Super cute right!? :D Got it from the Philippines two years ago and never dared to write in it, afraid of wasting the space or writing ugly pages ^^;;;
I compared it to weight watchers since a friend said that i develop my own weightwatchers system when i told him about that xD
Lets see how this whole Productivitypointrewardingsystem will turn out.
Tbh. knowing me it sounds quite realistic that this might just a phase and i'll start ditching this whole thing next week-but NO! i gotta stop this negative thoughts!!!ÒmO
ah well, just going to wish me luck.
And to add some more egopics to this post: this is how i looked like on monday

I don't like my eyebrows, i'm starting to get quite conscious about them ._.
This is getting too long, so for now i'm saying Buh Bye and good night! :)
Hübsches Outfit! :)
AntwortenLöschendanke für deine comments ! :D
Bin auch total mit den Lashes zufrieden von DM
wobei ich trotzdem gerne mal die von Dolly Wink ausprobieren würde >-<
That's really cute how you write down all the tasks you do and the whole point system. It must make you that much more motivated to get everything done! :3
AntwortenLöschenAnd btw, cute outfit!! ♥
OMG I totally dig your outfit! <3 Plus I'm impressed with your motivation, I can't even get myself to run a mile lol maybe I'll follow your list haha~ And btw, your eyebrows look great so don't worry~ <3
AntwortenLöschenaww dein punktesystem ist geil!! /D
AntwortenLöschenich hoffe du bekommst schnell viele für die linsen und das spiel!
& bist natürlich herzlich eingeladen zu unserm spring-meet ♥ ^O^
@Jennyfer: aujaa dolly wink muss mann auch mal probieren! naja mal sehn vllt. besorg ich mir die mal irgendwann
AntwortenLöschen@Tricia: Thank you xD And yeah i really feel like beeing more productive like this :D
@Meoki: aww haha thank you :D I guess they don't look thaat bad from afar but i really dont like seeing them upclose >_<
@Caro: Yay! cool freu mich! :D
ahhhh i love your outfit!!!!
AntwortenLöschenyou are the cutest!!
have you heard about japan? ):
it makes me so sad~ I hope the rest of asia, and hawaii will be okay ):
oh, and your eyebrows are perfect!
AntwortenLöscheni wish I had nice eyebrows like yours!
ich liebe dein outfit~~ <33 und die tasche ;___;
AntwortenLöschenund echt krass wie du das mit dem system machst xD Ich bekäm das net hin.. zu faul XD
Ooh I like the idea of giving yoursself rewards and shizzle! I'm planning on doing something like this with my revision, but Idk how to reward myself >_< How're yoou gonna give yourself rewards? ^_^
AntwortenLöschen@エミリー❤ aww thank youu~ x3
AntwortenLöschenyeah i heard about japan :(
i just hope that the situation will not get worse and that everything will be fine again :(
@Mona ♥ dankeschöön~ :D
Naja in letzter zeit war das mit meifaulheit wirklich extrem, da is das schon nötig gewesen xD
@Lizzie ♥ well i buy stuff i like as a reward xD
Of course you could do something like, i dunno go to a nice fancy restaurant or watch a movie or something?It's just that lately there has been alot of material stuff i really want and i figured that it probably felt so much better if i knew i hadn't been completely useless xD
and btw. i noticed that you guys all have ♥ 's in your name. lol, how cute xD
Ooh okies then! Think that I might do the same as I've got a load of things to buy ;D That is if you don't mind me doing it? ^_^
AntwortenLöschenooh of course not why should i! :D
AntwortenLöschenplease go ahead ^^
I think this is a great idea to get oneself motivated and also to put aside money at the same time! I'd love to do this, and will probably try but I have this sinking feeling in my gut that I won't be able to keep it up for long LOL but kudos to you!