Okay, i already said that i went to see Miyavi. Although on Sunday morning i kind of doubted that i'd be able to see him, because i didn't have a ticket then .__.
So in order to look for a ticket we wanted to go earlier. My friend who was so nice to offer picking me up, wanted to do so on 12 pm, but i was still unshowered and in my divisoria duster then. xD
So i got ready and came 3 hours later. (Which was still pretty early, considering that entrance was on 7 pm)
This is how i looked like. Tried to do something new with my hair.

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please forgive me for the fact that the last pic was taken in front of the toilet.
I wanted to achieve some kinda visual-kei look. Dunno if i did well, considering that i kind of never succesfully achieved the look xD ( even before when i was interested in vk stuff)

I didn't go too overboard since i also had to think practically.
Luckily my friend hat her car with her (and she even got a parking in front of the venue!! :D)
so i was able to store all my stuff in her car.
Because really, hot and full concerts suck when you have lots of stuff to carry around.
Buuut, back to me beeing totally hopeless because of no tickets!!
I went in front of the venue where everyone was waiting and hanging around. I couldn't find any street sellers or even information about a ticket counter, and because i am kind of weirded out by the shreiking, colorful animuh teenage population there i didn't bother asking someone. ( weird, considering that my friend with the car is like that too...but shes super nice!!)
Soo it was also raining, and we got inside the car to just chill and wait there. I took out a piece of paper and wrote"LOOKING FOR TICKET! please knock." We then sticked it to the backwindow of the car and a while later, a group of girls knocked on it! :D
I was sooo happy, because not only did i doubt that it would work, but the girls were also so nice to sell the ticket to me for the original price!
And pshhh really, considering how desperate i was i would have bought them for more :x
I was super happy and the concert was great! Miyavi changed his musical style again and his new albums songs where alittle bit to get used to, but he was soo into it and clearly enjoyed it!
seriously, theres nothing more sexy than seeing your idols sweatpearls sprinkle around~ |D
ok yea, there is i know, but that sight made a big impression on me nonetheless :o
And later on he started playing the older and familiar songs and i loved it soo much!!
Especially when he sang "we love you " with us x3
When Miv was talking to us, he also talked about the Japan disaster and asked us to pray for them. During his talk everyone went silent, except one annoying girl who shouted " ganbatte!" all of a sudden, followed by an annoyed " PSSHT" by someone else.
After he talked he asked us to stay silent for a minute and i really have to say that that was such a peaceful moment, felt really relaxing too. Especially after all the jumping around.
And because my weekend was so awesome and fully booked, i am really stressed right now with work i was supposed to do this weekend xD
Going to work on it now, thanks for reading. :)

Buh Byee~
Liebes, stell mal deine Schriftgröße größer ein. Ich kann kaum was erkennen D: Es ist richtig anstrengend, das zu lesen !
so getan :) bin noch am schauen wie man so langen text am ansehlichsten formatieren kann xD